How To Order

Here is step by step instruction on how to purchase from Truth or Dare Clothing

Step 1

Look through our wide variety of latest fashion collection.

Step 2

After done choosing ur desired item , please proceed to the order form and filled in the required field with ur details and particular. Please double check every information before submitting it to us.

Step 3
Confirmation SMS

You will received a confirmation SMS on ur mobile phone with the total amount (full amount + postage fees) of your item within 24 hours of the time your order form is submitted.

Step 4

Please make a payment within 24 hours after the confirmation SMS to secure item and speed up the delivery process to you.

Please read our payment details for more info.

Step 5

Your item will be shipped out the next 48 hours of working days and you will again received a notification from us about the tracking number of ur item.

Please read our Terms & Condition for better understanding.